Locator Ternopil Oblast Ternopil Dental clinicsDental clinics Ternopil
Dental clinics in Ternopil
88Стоматология Придруги
Ternopil, Street Mytropolyta Andreya Sheptytskoho, 1а, tel. +380(98)770-00-60 moreDental clinics Стоматология Придруги located in Ternopil, Street Mytropolyta Andreya Sheptytskoho. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 16:00.Стоматологія Вербіцького
Street Henerala Tarnavskoho, 3, tel. +380(97)720-33-86 moreDental clinics Стоматологія Вербіцького located in Ternopil, Street Henerala Tarnavskoho. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 14:00.Стоматологічний кабінет „Софія“
Ternopil, Street Ruska, 3, tel. +380(35)243-12-00 moreDental clinics Стоматологічний кабінет „Софія“ located in Ternopil, Street Ruska.Дентал плюс
Ternopil, Street Генерала Шухевича, 1, tel. +380(35)252-86-98 moreDental clinics Дентал плюс located in Ternopil, Street Генерала Шухевича. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 14:00.Стоматологический кабинет Сладент
Avenue Злуки, 8, tel. +380(35)223-20-20 moreDental clinics Стоматологический кабинет Сладент located in Ternopil, Avenue Злуки.Комунальне некомерційне підприємство (ТМКСП)
Ternopil, Boulevard Куліша, 7а, tel. +380(68)645-26-30 moreDental clinics Комунальне некомерційне підприємство (ТМКСП) located in Ternopil, Boulevard Куліша.Ваш стоматолог
Street Perohova, 3, tel. +380(35)242-27-07 moreDental clinics Ваш стоматолог located in Ternopil, Street Perohova.Стоматологический кабинет Помощь
Street Hospitalna, 6, tel. +380(67)377-11-88 moreDental clinics Стоматологический кабинет Помощь located in Ternopil, Street Hospitalna. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 10:00 to 16:00.Тернопільська міська стоматологічна поліклініка
Street Генерала Шухевича, 3, tel. +380(35)252-48-12 moreDental clinics Тернопільська міська стоматологічна поліклініка located in Ternopil, Street Генерала Шухевича.Dental clinic
Ternopil, Street Братів Бойчуків, 4, tel. +380(67)456-48-41 moreDental clinics Dental clinic located in Ternopil, Street Братів Бойчуків. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 19:00.Стоматологія Олексюка
Street Hlyboka, 3, tel. +380(98)130-13-71 moreDental clinics Стоматологія Олексюка located in Ternopil, Street Hlyboka.Стоматологія Рачкевичів
Ternopil, Street Танцорова, 16, tel. +380(35)252-25-41 moreDental clinics Стоматологія Рачкевичів located in Ternopil, Street Танцорова. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 20:00.Стоматология Denta Vi
Ternopil, Street Ruska, 11, tel. +380(35)222-04-41 moreDental clinics Стоматология Denta Vi located in Ternopil, Street Ruska. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 15:00.Міська дитяча стоматологічна клініка (філія)
Ternopil, Street Стадникової, 3, tel. +380(35)225-44-18 moreDental clinics Міська дитяча стоматологічна клініка (філія) located in Ternopil, Street Стадникової.Стоматологічний кабінет
Street Оболоня, 3, tel. +380(35)252-24-90 moreDental clinics Стоматологічний кабінет located in Ternopil, Street Оболоня.Doctor Dent+
Ternopil, Street Lesi Ukrainky, 14, tel. +380(35)224-61-92 moreDental clinics Doctor Dent+ located in Ternopil, Street Lesi Ukrainky. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 10:00 to 15:00.Стоматологический кабинет Дентал сервис
Street Kyivska, 11, tel. +380(35)243-73-43 moreDental clinics Стоматологический кабинет Дентал сервис located in Ternopil, Street Kyivska.Cedar
Street Divocha, 3, tel. +380(97)786-17-87 moreDental clinics Cedar located in Ternopil, Street Divocha.Стоматология Denta Vi
Ternopil, Street Hrushevskoho, 8, tel. +380(98)600-00-09 moreDental clinics Стоматология Denta Vi located in Ternopil, Street Hrushevskoho.Люм-Denta
Street Bohdana Khmelnytskoho, 19/3, tel. +380(35)225-65-19 moreDental clinics Люм-Denta located in Ternopil, Street Bohdana Khmelnytskoho. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 15:00.Стоматология Дентас
Street Evhena Konovaltsya, 6, tel. +380(35)226-17-39 moreDental clinics Стоматология Дентас located in Ternopil, Street Evhena Konovaltsya. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 15:00.Dental clinic
Boulevard Tarasa Shevchenka, 2, tel. +380(35)242-27-07 moreDental clinics Dental clinic located in Ternopil, Boulevard Tarasa Shevchenka.Приватна стоматологічна клініка
Street Ruska, , tel. +380(35)252-77-77 moreDental clinics Приватна стоматологічна клініка located in Ternopil, Street Ruska.Стоматологія
Avenue Злуки, 8, tel. +380(35)243-11-11 moreDental clinics Стоматологія located in Ternopil, Avenue Злуки. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 10:00 to 16:00.Стоматкабінет
Street Perohova, 3, tel. 400939067741968 moreDental clinics Стоматкабінет located in Ternopil, Street Perohova.Стоматологічний кабінет Янсі
Ternopil, Street Князя Острожского, 45, tel. +380(35)243-06-01 moreDental clinics Стоматологічний кабінет Янсі located in Ternopil, Street Князя Острожского.Стоматологія
Street Druzhby, 1, tel. +380(35)253-12-98 moreDental clinics Стоматологія located in Ternopil, Street Druzhby.Dentistry Dr. Nazarchuk
Ternopil, Avenue Stepana Bandery, 3, tel. +380(97)300-01-90 moreDental clinics Dentistry Dr. Nazarchuk located in Ternopil, Avenue Stepana Bandery. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 10:00 to 18:00.Клініка стоматології Білика
Street Novyi Svit, 2, tel. +380(35)223-60-90 moreDental clinics Клініка стоматології Білика located in Ternopil, Street Novyi Svit.Стоматология Дент Мастер
Street Лучаковского, 14, tel. +380(35)242-00-45 moreDental clinics Стоматология Дент Мастер located in Ternopil, Street Лучаковского. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 15:00.Dentist
Street Kotlyarevskoho, 26, tel. +380(35)243-05-30 moreDental clinics Dentist located in Ternopil, Street Kotlyarevskoho.Стоматкабінет
Ternopil, Street Maksyma Kryvonosa, , tel. +380(35)253-85-90 moreDental clinics Стоматкабінет located in Ternopil, Street Maksyma Kryvonosa.Vias
Avenue Stepana Bandery, 3, tel. +380(68)840-10-90 moreDental clinics Vias located in Ternopil, Avenue Stepana Bandery.Стоматологія
Street Микулинецька, 3, tel. moreDental clinics Стоматологія located in Ternopil, Street Микулинецька.Dental clinic
Avenue Stepana Bandery, 3, tel. moreDental clinics Dental clinic located in Ternopil, Avenue Stepana Bandery.Dental clinic
Street Золотогірська, , tel. moreDental clinics Dental clinic located in Ternopil, Street Золотогірська.Стоматологія
Ternopil, Street Карпенко, 10, tel. moreDental clinics Стоматологія located in Ternopil, Street Карпенко.Добра стоматологія
Street Bohdana Khmelnytskoho, 3, tel. moreDental clinics Добра стоматологія located in Ternopil, Street Bohdana Khmelnytskoho.Комунальная детская стоматологическая поликлиника
Street 15 Апреля, 1, tel. +380(35)226-97-59 moreDental clinics Комунальная детская стоматологическая поликлиника located in Ternopil, Street 15 Апреля.Медгарант
Ternopil, Street Mytropolyta Andreya Sheptytskoho, 1, tel. +380(67)269-79-09 moreDental clinics Медгарант located in Ternopil, Street Mytropolyta Andreya Sheptytskoho. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 15:00.Стоматологічний кабінет
Boulevard Вишневецького, 3, tel. moreDental clinics Стоматологічний кабінет located in Ternopil, Boulevard Вишневецького.Dental clinic
Ternopil, Street Zamkova, 3, tel. moreDental clinics Dental clinic located in Ternopil, Street Zamkova.Центр стоматологии
Street Yaroslava Stetska, 7, tel. +380(35)252-72-67 moreDental clinics Центр стоматологии located in Ternopil, Street Yaroslava Stetska. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 10:00 to 15:00.Стоматологія
Street Живова, 3, tel. moreDental clinics Стоматологія located in Ternopil, Street Живова.Стоматологічна клініка
Ternopil, Street Ruska, 13, tel. moreDental clinics Стоматологічна клініка located in Ternopil, Street Ruska.Клиника эстетической стоматологии Прощиных
Ternopil, Street Семьи Барвинских, 6, tel. +380(35)252-39-00 moreDental clinics Клиника эстетической стоматологии Прощиных located in Ternopil, Street Семьи Барвинских.Ютан, Стоматологічний кабінет
Street Mykoly Hoholya, 4, tel. moreDental clinics Ютан, Стоматологічний кабінет located in Ternopil, Street Mykoly Hoholya.Студія 32
Ternopil, Street ploshcha Staryi Rynok, , tel. moreDental clinics Студія 32 located in Ternopil, Street ploshcha Staryi Rynok.Dental clinic
Street 15 Квітня, 6а, tel. moreDental clinics Dental clinic located in Ternopil, Street 15 Квітня. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 15:00.
A brief overview of dental clinics in Ternopil (Ternopil Oblast)
Here on this page is collected information about dental clinics, located in Ternopil (Ternopil Oblast). Locator knows about 88 dental clinics near this place among them Стоматология Придруги, Стоматологія Вербіцького, Стоматологічний кабінет „Софія“ and other , which are located on st. Mytropolyta Andreya Sheptytskoho, st. Henerala Tarnavskoho, st. Ruska and other streets near. Here you will find the exact addresses, location map, ☎️ telephones, working hours, reviews about these dental clinics.
How many dental clinics in Ternopil?
According to Locator data in Ternopil operates 88 dental clinics.
Which dental clinics are best in Ternopil?
Locator recommends to visit the following dental clinics in Ternopil: Стоматология Придруги, Стоматологія Вербіцького, Стоматологічний кабінет „Софія“.
Where are the nearest dental clinics in Ternopil to me?
To find out which dental clinics is closest to you, go to the Dental clinics in Ternopil page and bring the Locator map closer to your location or click on the geolocation icon in the map control unit at the bottom right.
What are the prices for dental clinics services in Ternopil?
Prices for dental clinics services in Ternopil depend on the specific service and dental clinics. Locator allows all dental clinics to specify prices for their services. To find out about them, go to the link on the service page or see the prices on the specific dental clinics page.
Which dental clinics services in Ternopil are better to use?⭐
We recommend that you contact dental clinics, which has a high rating according to Locator: Стоматология Придруги, Стоматологія Вербіцького, Стоматологічний кабінет „Софія“.
How to contact these dental clinics?
You can see the contacts for communication with these dental clinics pharmacies by going to their page. Locator provides the opportunity to contact by phone, email, Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram and through internal messages on the site Locator.
Dental clinics in Ternopil
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